Thursday, December 17, 2009

Mari shoot di Putrajaya!

Putrajaya. sebuah bandar yg terancang. Betul² terancang dari pelbagai aspek..structure bangunan Gov nye, Jalannye, tiang lampu, Masjid, etc² etc...weekend is the best time klu nk shoot² sekitar situ sbb senang nk parking, keta x banyak, org pun x ramai. But timing tu kena btul gak ar.silap² panas terik laa,hujan laa xde matahari lgsung lah etc².. tp post ni bukan pasai shoot lanskap noo..hehe itu hari saya & rakan a.k.a partner a.k.a apprentice(Siti Norain) shoot this group of girls kt Putrajaya. This are the Coolest/awesome model i ever shoot!! Seronok Betu!!
Model : Amira, Nawwar, Farah & Nadzirah
Photog : Me & Siti Norain
Gear : Canon 350D + 18-55mm+50mm+wide fisheye
Nikon D40(2nd body :p)
Canon 450D(2nd Photog)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Nabila ♥ Zam ☺ Wedding

5 December~ Its time for me to shoot for relatives...yes Nabila tu cousin ku. Dulu time kecik² kat kg selalu main ngan diorang(nabila&syam)~good old days huh?..As time goes by dia pun kawin da ngan Zam a.k.a Azanizam= Really cool & an awesome father(u rock!). Diorg buat small wedding reception for close friends & family @ Tropic, Damansara Perdana. Enjoy the photos!

Monday, December 7, 2009

My 1st 'Talent' shoot everrrr :p

Its Sunday...what can i aspect? sunny blue sky with lots of clean clouds, less people around, peace... Tapi mane bole cari tempat yg mcm tu kt tgh² KL pada hari Ahad utk shoot² gambar ni? hehe..kat Capsquare lah! very nice place to shoot ala urban style gitu :D. Although quite limited tempat nye tp mmg berbaloi² dpt shoot sane ♥
Model: Amber
Photographer & PP: Me
Gear: Canon EOS 350D + 18-55mm lens + 50mm F1.8 lens

Monday, November 30, 2009

miniature anyone?

:) this time i try something new plak...its a miniature! mcm cool pun ade hehe.baru dpt jumpe 1 je gambar yg sesuai buat tilt-shift ni :p ...

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Kahwin² !

Its time for me to post some of my wedding shoots. Maybe i start it with this shoots at Segambut ♥

Thursday, November 12, 2009

shoot bersama the Man! -Wipo

Nice..Makan is a Must in any Gov Seminar ♥ (sedap² beb!!)
This 2 chicks waiting to sambut the VIP...(tapi diorg smbut kitorng dulu haha)
ade artis gak...(kenal x?...☺)
the short meeting of the VIPs
bro Lot ☻
Bro Azwani ☻

Dat day i got to shoot with two of the coolest photog i ever known!☺..but the event not soo cool ar hahaha...but its my 1st time shoot event cam nih..
(Special thanx to Bro Azwani & Bro Lot)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

50 anyone?

Yeah!!..akhirnye dpt gak memiliki Encik Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II ♥
This lens is AWESOME!!!

Friday, November 6, 2009


Recently im trying some Post Pressesing using CS4~ trying to make ala² Dave Hill style kot :p
Photo been taken by Iera Azizi from Melaka ☺
(c&c are most welcome ♥...)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Where the story begins...

The revolution of Camera that i've been using...~stakat yg ingat je lah..haha
1) Hewlett-Packard compact 35mm Focus Free Camera (not for individual sale one) ~this is a very² basic, point & shoot film camera with no flash, no battery, all manual :)

2) Kodak EasyShare M753(r.i.p) ~My very 1st Digital Camera that i bought years ago time blaja kt Kuantan. Its a 7.0MP 3x optical zoom with MP4 video capture capable..Very sadly dah hilang sbb kena curi. Really² sad about it...its a long story though

3) Canon PowerShot S3 IS ~ Its the cooolest digital compact camera i've ever use. Although its just 6.0MP, this gadget captured alot of cool, great, awesome moments of my life & others...

4) Nikon FM10 ~ The Single Lens Reflex yang diamanahkan by my Dad (thanx Baba!). Kit Lens nye dah xde, but now using Vivitar Wide Angle 28mm lens & Micro Nikkor 55mm.really² awesome & susah jugak nk pakai SLR ni. Even hardly use sbb malas nk bli/cuci film ni.hehe but its a great tool for learning real Photography though. another best thing bout it is, its a Full Frame camera! haha :) (dlm pic tu blah kanan ye yg gold boody, kiri tu Nikon F & dah x bole dipakai..)

5) Canon EOS 350D a.k.a Rebel XT a.k.a Kiss n Digital ~ the one & only Digital Single Lens Reflex that i've been using until now. With only 8MP, Digic II, LCD kecik(1.8" jek) & 18-55mm kit lens, its enough for me to capture awesomeness photos of People, Cats, Landscape etc²...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

k.o.n.v.o = kuantan!

Ok.On the 29th October(Khamis) mlm~ Gerak tu Kuantan sbb Jumaat kena ade sane~amik Jubah + raptai ape sume...Smpai² lepak umh Abg Badri kt blah² Balok tu☺

Jumaat (30 October) pagi² gerak to Kolej amik Jubah + jumpe member² minum² kt Tmn Gelora which is still nice ;). Lepas Jumaat went to YP kt Tanjung Lumpur. But the hall is quite disappointed. not only for me but my frens too & others may say the same...bla² bla, hours of hours raptai then abis~kluar dari bangunan~snap lagi. Mlm gak baru dpt lepak ngan my famili sbb terkejar sane-sini (letih!).

31 October (sabtu) D-Day. wake up real early morning siap² sume (the smartest dress up i ever wore.huhu) then to T.Lumpur trus. Then register bla² bla snap² lagi. Masing² nampak habis smart! some say cm geng² 'Mahkamah Syariah' plak..haha. I took quite lots of photos but myself in it is very² sikit. maybe xde sape yg nk amik gambar sngt.sume nk gambarnye diambil :p anyway the ceremony when well. A very well i guess even though dewan nye x 'meriah'...After that jumpe mama&baba & dpt CupCake yg best dari Akak(thanx soo much!!) ~shoot some more photos~gambar² famili member², rakan², rakan² dgn awek......

Habis sume tu, my parent balik dulu & me hang out with my buddys all day. Later jumpe Mr D a.k.a Hafiz wit Miss D a.k.a Diana~ lepak TC snap² lagi (paling best of that day♥). Kali ni dpt snap gambar² yg bagus sbb sebelum ni(time xde Dslr) cm senggal² ubi skit amik gambar...In the end sume balik ke destinasi masing² ngan senyuman besar :D

Stayed Kuantan sampai Ahad (1 Nov) Pagi tu sempat la kasi Shah gambar² sume. But still balik KL ngan rase x puas skit sbb 3 days kt kuantan mmg x cukup utk~jumpe rakan²(bro, xord, mr james, Pn diana, Shafirun, Ida, Suek dll), hangout²(tempat² yg lagi cool kt Kuantan) & etc²...Well that makes me want to go there again someday ☻