Thursday, March 4, 2010

From Bouestead with Love

View from Bouested with a little bit of love~ :p

Above: 'compressed perspective' try-out ;)
Below: Bangunan Menara ING

Above: Wisma Lim Foo Yoong
Below: Bangunan Amanah Capital

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Bukit Cerakah

A one week plan for this. Me come up with the Talent, Ain come up with the vanue. Zaidi come up with transportation :p haha
Pagi Sabtu yg cerah, langit clear amat menarik utk menghasil kan sesebuah gambar... :)
I come up with the Talent which is also my frens: Faradilla Ruslan & Shasha. Both perform good~ as a beginner Talent. Biasa laa memula kalau yg beginner² ni kan agak keras sikit. Honestly i dont like this 'keras²' posing nih :p but kita x boleh salah kan Talent. We (as photographer) need to tackle this problem asap :p. Soo cara yg terbaik is: Communicate more efficiently with the Subject(kenali ar sikit² ngan subject tu.borak² ke ape ke kan :p) & just let them be natural be who they are ;) & lastly amik je gambar Candid :) hehe
Ini 1st time smpai ke Bukit Cerakah ni. Agak luas tempatnye. Bagus utk aktiviti mengeluarkan peluh. Ade tempat yg menarik perhatian ku seperti: Bilik 4 musim dimana time pergi ni musim sejuk, so sangat lah sejuk 0ºc rasenye tp tempat yg sangat limited tuk bergambar. Kena extra hati² dgn kondisi camera sbb perubahan suhu dlm bilik & luar bilik yg sngat mendadak boleh menyebabkan terhasil nya wap air dlm sensor camera, kaca lens etc². Ade juga tempat yg menunjukkan suasana sawah padi yg sangat cantik. Soo enjoi lah gambar² ni:

Above: Shasha in "Winter Season"...
Below: Faradilla @ Hasekawayuri on "Summer"...

Above: Ain Kick
Below: Shasha on multiply.

Above: Hasekawayuri Multiply
Below: Kami dlm kesejukkan!! For Real!

Below: Terbaik Dari Ladang!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

KUALA LUMPUR view from Ampang

Isnin Cuti! 2nd day of Chinese New Year. Masa yg sangat sesuai utk mengambil gambar di sekitar Pavillion, BB etc² yg dpt menggambarkan suasana ramai nya manusia di sekitar Kuala Lumpur~Candid most probably the best theme.
Me?~ nop. why?~ sbb xde Tele/lens panjang² utk amik gambar jaoh² :p
sooo pada mulanya nk pi cuci gambaq kt The Tok Wan kt area Ampang tu. Sampai² skali x bukak lagii daa kedai nye(sedikit keciwa disitu...) skali Ain bgtau:"wei jom amik gamba kt Bukit Tinjau jom?" aku pun jom je laa..around 12:30 gak ar atas tu. Cuaca Panas, clear weather, blue sky,lovely..
Snap punye snap.dpt laa hasilkan satu gambar yg menarik bagi aku:

Pic Above: Zaidi with his 100mm F2.8 lens & Ain with 50mm F1.8 try to captured Very Cute Foreigner Kid just beside of us.

Above: KL view from Bukit Tinjau, Ampang. Using my 50mm F1.8 lens
Below: Same photos~ in black&white

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Manipulation Tryout

Manipulation 01
Originally uploaded by husni photokick
haaa~ bila dah mengadap monitor computer for about ±12 hours a day which is 8:45am to 6:00pm(work hours) & 9:00pm until tido(home hours), ini lah hasil nye :p
Background from Zaidi's α 550 & Stock from Deviant + CS4 here & there = Manipulation Tryout

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Afzan & Azlin Shoot Out!

10 Jan 2010. My 1st talent shootout in this year. Pagi Ahad yg ceria shoot di Taman Orked sekitar Lake Garden. Shoot those 2 great new talent(diorg x pernah di shoot sebegini sebelum ni :p), Afzan & Azlin which is Siti Norain's friends. I manage to 'work' with them smoothly & will shoot them again later ;). Enjoy!
Talent: Afzan Zalila & Azlin Hamdan
Location: Taman Orked, Lake Garden
Gears: Canon 350D + 18-55mm + 50mm + Nissin Di622

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Mari shoot di Putrajaya!

Putrajaya. sebuah bandar yg terancang. Betul² terancang dari pelbagai aspek..structure bangunan Gov nye, Jalannye, tiang lampu, Masjid, etc² etc...weekend is the best time klu nk shoot² sekitar situ sbb senang nk parking, keta x banyak, org pun x ramai. But timing tu kena btul gak ar.silap² panas terik laa,hujan laa xde matahari lgsung lah etc².. tp post ni bukan pasai shoot lanskap noo..hehe itu hari saya & rakan a.k.a partner a.k.a apprentice(Siti Norain) shoot this group of girls kt Putrajaya. This are the Coolest/awesome model i ever shoot!! Seronok Betu!!
Model : Amira, Nawwar, Farah & Nadzirah
Photog : Me & Siti Norain
Gear : Canon 350D + 18-55mm+50mm+wide fisheye
Nikon D40(2nd body :p)
Canon 450D(2nd Photog)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Nabila ♥ Zam ☺ Wedding

5 December~ Its time for me to shoot for relatives...yes Nabila tu cousin ku. Dulu time kecik² kat kg selalu main ngan diorang(nabila&syam)~good old days huh?..As time goes by dia pun kawin da ngan Zam a.k.a Azanizam= Really cool & an awesome father(u rock!). Diorg buat small wedding reception for close friends & family @ Tropic, Damansara Perdana. Enjoy the photos!

Monday, December 7, 2009

My 1st 'Talent' shoot everrrr :p

Its Sunday...what can i aspect? sunny blue sky with lots of clean clouds, less people around, peace... Tapi mane bole cari tempat yg mcm tu kt tgh² KL pada hari Ahad utk shoot² gambar ni? hehe..kat Capsquare lah! very nice place to shoot ala urban style gitu :D. Although quite limited tempat nye tp mmg berbaloi² dpt shoot sane ♥
Model: Amber
Photographer & PP: Me
Gear: Canon EOS 350D + 18-55mm lens + 50mm F1.8 lens

Monday, November 30, 2009

miniature anyone?

:) this time i try something new plak...its a miniature! mcm cool pun ade hehe.baru dpt jumpe 1 je gambar yg sesuai buat tilt-shift ni :p ...

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Kahwin² !

Its time for me to post some of my wedding shoots. Maybe i start it with this shoots at Segambut ♥